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Home > Huang Jinbao decoration market has been a long-term change
Huang Jinbao decoration market has been a long-term change
   2014-03-07 12:08:21   

The Royal Mint (Royal Mint) production line equipment, jewelry is still the Bureau in 1000 during the historical period of busy.

Golden scale coin product sales, at present by the same period in 2009 jumped 4times, jewelry equipment and mint director Dave Knight points out, November is the largest ever volume.

The Royal Mint is the world’s oldest mint, the renewal of equipment purchased a set of hydraulic machinery, due to the growing demand for.

In the UK, London jewelry industry R HOLT & CO LTD is investing to introduce new technologies, but just the opposite - I hope to reduce the amount of gold used.

Since 2001 to date, the price of gold has increased 4.5 times, the supply and demand market via the re construction. Skyrocketing price trend, which has drivenspeculation investors, further higher gold prices, Tuesday is an all-time high of $1430.95 record

Bao jewelry industry, continue to search for ways to reduce consumption, the gold.

Investment demand for gold, in the last year surpassed the cicada even leading up to 30 years of precious jewelry, financial market is tight, economic instability andmonetary value decline may, in attracting investors buy gold coins, gold bars andgold exchange traded funds and other products.

However, gold jewelry consumption, the rapid decline in the past 10 years, causingan important topic: this kind of precious metals demand tend to slow down, the pastphysical gold market tradition lost what elements?

Standard Chartered Bank (Standard Bank) President Walter de Wet commodity research pointed out: "if the investment demand slowed, so investors in the goldhad to worry about. Bao jewelry demand is no longer like before."

Small gold jewelry demand to sustain level, such as the wedding ring Market or sector in Asia and the Middle East countries, will buy gold jewelry as an investmenttype.

However, industry experts believe that, Huang Jinbao decoration market has a long-term change, especially in the West particularly significant, rather than buy new jewelry, western people more often sell old jewelry cash.

In the low consumption market, gold jewelry became the luxury goods consumerscould not afford, especially after the financial crisis, market to embrace thereplacement goods. Precious metals consultancy GFMS chairman Philip Klapwijksaid: "the market is the emergence of a wave of silver and non noble metal demand

The tide."

Fashion jewelry also began to use less gold, the British in order Bao jewelry chainErnest Jones hot selling products, using a number of very little gold: Silver Braceletattached accessories, many are gems, and non noble metal; even with leather asmaterial with Silver Necklace

A locket.

Large Colin jeweler Signet marketing director Wagstaffe said: "the jewellery buying preferences are changing, rising commodity prices only influence factors." He said,jewelry equipment in the future will be more brand jewelry consumption ",appearance and replacing material incentives


Gold prices as high impact, in addition to treasure jewelry business to watch from harm, the Swiss old noble metal Metalor has endless supplies of gold to the tabbusinesses, because the price is not bargain.

The chairman of the GFMS Klapwijk thought, investment demand for gold will continue to push prices up, jewelry equipment may reach 1600-1650 dollar next year.

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