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Home > Jewelry consumption will be two times the per capita disposable income growth
Jewelry consumption will be two times the per capita disposable income growth
   2014-03-07 12:11:04   

From international practice, consumption ability promotion to a certain point, jewelryconsumption will be two times the per capita disposable income growth. Chinesealready in 2003 by this point, jewelry equipment that the per capita disposable income of 8472.2 yuan. 04 years to 09 years, industry sales

The size of the compound annual growth rate of 31.02%, jewelry equipmentmaintain two times the city per capita disposable income growth. Jewelry equipmentthis rule a 2011 year China jewelry industry will enter a period of rapid growth.

First of all, in the consumer needs to promote a common and investment demand,the industry next year can reach more than 35% growth. With the implementation of the national twelfth five year plan, the national consumption capacity and consumption enthusiasm will further progress, jewelry equipment which will become the jewelry industry the most fundamental push

Power; secondly, the dollar has inherited a weak and inflation expectations will continue to push up the price of gold and other precious metals, jewelry equipmentwhich will to the amplifying effect on the jewelry industry’s development; third, the greatest opportunity China jewelry industry lies in the channels. Benefit from theconsumption level and wide

Broad channels, channel development will greatly promote the Chinese jewelryindustry growth; fourth, through the comparison of the straight camp premium (the difference between straight battalion join wool interest rate and gross margin), we found that straight battalion premium high jewelry industry, straight battalionpremium reached 30% CHJ, and textile,

Straight battalion premium only about 20% type of clothing. Jewelry industry straight battalion high premium will lead and boost its rapid expansion.

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