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Jewelry English is [Jewelry]
   2014-03-10 11:59:06   

Jewelry equipment English is [Jewelry], which originated in the French [Joiel], which means that the [Joy] -- happy. If appropriate, wear is clever, can make you comfortable happy, in high spirit. However, how to choose, how clever collocation to wear jewelry to appropriate appropriate? This should start from the person’s temperament speaking. The so-called temperament. That is a comprehensivephysical and mental innate human traits. It has many meanings, scope is very wide,such as calm and lively, sensitive and simple, delicate and rough, mature and naive, is the manifestation of temperament, the temperament of each person is different.

In the aesthetic activity, jewelry and wear never is absolutely important lesson. Jewelrybecause of their different choice of material, different color, different texture, differentdesign styles, different process work including wear and use different methods, bring the feeling of nature is different. People according to the different characteristics,jewelry given to different connotations, that are personalized jewelry color.Temperament of different people, if choose Peja jewelry properly, it can enhance the jewelry personality color, can shape their own charm and personality, make the person with the jewelry complement each other, add radiance and beauty to each other, on the contrary, the mutual ablation, destroy and both sides.

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