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Home > Teach you how to choose the size of the mouth jade bracelet ring
Teach you how to choose the size of the mouth jade bracelet ring
   2014-03-10 14:58:04   

When selected jade bracelets, jade bracelets can be worn into four long fingers (ie, excluding the thumb) and to the "tiger’s mouth" at, it feels a little tight playing machine number, and then remove the bracelet, measure the diameter, for example happens to be 55 mm, then this is for you circle the size of the mouth

. Some people like to wear a little loose too little choice, the choice of ring 1 to 2 millimeters big mouth, so that we can more easily put off a. Why have some people playing computer used to wearing the bracelet smaller, or do not intend to put down, so, you can turn to size

1 to 2 mm reduction. Generally the choice, you should try it. Why try when playing computer, you can put some detergent or soap in hand, and asked people to help, with a point force into the wrist bracelet to wear.

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