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Jewelry industry analysis of consumer behavior
   2014-03-10 15:04:30   

1 . For jewelry consumer habits type services
    Such consumers , frequented by a jewelry store or a brand tool jewelry , so very familiar with the mall , or even known name on the salesperson . Reception of such old customers , the salesperson must be cordial and amiable , ask directly to their needs.
    2 . For impulsive jewelry consumer services
    For these consumers , the salesperson on the one hand to a warm reception , to encourage their purchase , but we also need them to good relations , as far as possible to understand their needs and characteristics to help them choose the right jewelry tools. Do not for profit figure in front of some inappropriate

Jewelry to sell to them . When a salesperson to help them choose the right jewelry to obtain recognition of people around , they will be grateful , and will bring more customers to the store .
    3 . For intellectual type jewelry consumer services
    For such consumers , the salesperson should maintain proper smile and polite. Give the customer a certain space of time and distance , when the customer does not ask questions , observe as much as possible in the next wait , do not talk too much and too many recommendations , if the salesperson does not understand customer buying behavior of these characteristics

Blindly passionate performance but just the opposite , may make customers feel nagging and resentment.

    4 . For mass- consumer service jewelery
    In this case the salesperson offers a warm , patient service, introduce appropriate jewelry worn only knowledge , according to the characteristics of the customer , to make some suggestions , as recommended in the style of jewelery tools tend to be popular as possible , in order to to such consumer

    5. For consumer concerns type of jewelery service
    Salesperson needs to have patience, to have a certain waiting time, gradually narrowing the recommended range of jewelery samples , at the right time to give them advice and encouragement to promote its turnover .
    6. For cheap jewelry consumer services
   ( 1 ) unwilling to compromise, namely fixed price method. Salesperson can tell the customer , jewelery shop has a good reputation and quality assurance , customers are buying is good value for money jewelery shops not to cut prices and reduce the quality of to attract customers.
   ( 2 ) one small concession law, namely two -step . Jewelry store buy one get one of the Central Standing Committee posted signs to attract customers. In this case the goods are often sent to buy a major piece of secondary products , such as a pendant to send money to buy luxury K gold necklace.
   ( 3 ) limited concessions law , namely in accordance with the provisions of the lowest discount companies give customers deals. Jewelry Tools

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