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Home > Fairview pearly white gold plated water color named
Fairview pearly white gold plated water color named
   2014-03-10 15:50:58   

Dian weight method : Natural Tridacna generally have a certain proportion , apart from observing whether Tridacna natural outside the lines , you can try a hand to Dian Dian weight , if feels very light , we must wonder whether it is plastic products.
    White clam is the natural boundary of the white matter , playing computer games because it has a beautiful pearl luster appearance and the color white is named. But there is a natural deep-fried marks. Gold-plated water clam is the largest deep-sea clam , is a rare organic gem , one of the Buddhist Qibao , mainly for repair concept

Tone Dharma , interest method.
    How to identify genuine and fake Tridacna : visual inspection method : as long as the clam , it looks like a pattern wheel and ditches inevitably posed ; therefore, to view the genuine clam , this feature has become an important indicator of the true and false identification ; long is a natural gem in the world it is impossible to find

To two completely identical individuals, we observe if there is two lines Tridacna beads are exactly the same , you can certainly not naturally formed , there may be ground into a powder shells repression . Wax injection machine usually recommended for pensions in Buddha ( God ) on the table , no absorption of aura when worn deities , Paul

Held sacred solemn aura , can stay out of trouble , keep you healthy. 
    Tridacna maintenance method : get the clam , please purifying incense Buddha , reciting the mouth " Namo Bodhisattva " or " Om Mani with ignorant Hum " 108 times , or to the temple burned , net incense degaussing , music degaussing other methods to be purified. Pearl is currently the world’s largest one natural

Marine shell beads ( Pearl of Allah ) weight 6350 Baker, Tridacna is produced .
    Destructive testing : the destructive testing to break , if there must be genuine shell section . In Buddhism among the monks used it when beads ; Qing official hat beadwork , which is the second officer towards wearing beads , showing its extraordinary value .
    The body will absorb the wear process Tridacna natural treasure gas, while after wearing jewelry tools available water washed away with valuables cloth , then rub baby oil or Olay maintenance . When exposed dirt contaminated with a neutral body wash , rinse with water , wipe clean

    Tridacna organic gems and pearls belong to , it can not come into contact with acid or alkali substances, if exposed to sweat or dirty, washed with water and with a fine cloth dry. However there are good clam such as porcelain , no lines .

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