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Home > Sapphire blanks need to be high-temperature annealing
Sapphire blanks need to be high-temperature annealing
   2014-03-10 15:53:56   

So that it can be precisely controlled cooling rate , reducing thermal stress ; when molten gold machine crystal growth , among the solid-liquid interface in the melt outflank . For example , melting flame method , Czochralski method , zone melting method and other methods of crystal growth quality and size are limited , it is difficult to meet the optics

High performance requirements ; heat exchange, the temperature gradient method and other methods Kyropoulos grown sapphire crystal size large, good quality, but requires a lot of heat exchange helium coolant temperature gradient method, Kyropoulos grown sapphire crystal blanks need to be high-temperature annealing treatment, it hit

Subsequent treatment process machine billet complex, high cost . Currently solar energy is the most commonly used devices are also the most successful jewelry made of technology is the use of the thermal decomposition of SiH4 gas vapor deposition on sapphire single crystal silicon thin film deposition obtained , thanks to the efforts of research IC industry , single-crystal films too

Solar Battery ride this ride , will accelerate the commercialization of early advent .
    Low- cost, high-quality growth of large-size sapphire single crystal jewelry tool has become an urgent task currently facing.
    Visible from the current period , the sapphire substrate is the current blue, purple, white , and blue laser diode substrate of choice for industrial steam cleaning machine is the manufacturing hub of the semiconductor blue light-emitting diode materials , widely used in jewelry mobile power saving light emitting devices body , head

Before the international market demand for larger , because the technology is more to improve their predecessors , processing more difficult , the current size and capabilities of the world’s industrial production can not meet the market demand for both .
    However, these methods have their drawbacks and limitations , is more difficult to meet the future large-size sapphire crystal , high-quality, low-cost development needs.
    It is understood that the world only in Russia , Japan, the United States and other industrialized countries to achieve the production . Sapphire substrate is only just carving wax semiconductor lighting industry chain upstream , made of sapphire substrate blue lasers in optical fiber communication , optical detection, data memory

Storage and high-speed laser printing and other fields flourish and develop rapidly. Such melt surface temperature disturbance and mechanical perturbations before reaching the solid-liquid interface can be reduced resulting in the elimination of the melt ; optional softener wax injection machine as the working fluid within the heat exchanger , with respect to the use of helium as a cold mending

Coolant heat exchange method can effectively reduce the cost ; rolling movement and the presence of crystals in the crystal growth process , susceptible to mechanical shocks .
    Overall, sapphire crystal growth methods can be divided into gilded solution growth , melt growth , growth in three gas phase , due to the way in which the melt has grown faster growth rate , ultrasonic cleaning machines , high purity and crystal integrity and good features, and become Typical is the preparation of large size and

The most common shape of a given crystal crystal growth method . At present method can be used to melt the artificial growth of sapphire crystal growth pattern mainly melting flame method , magnetic polishing machine Czochralski method , zone melting crucible shift method , the heat exchange method, temperature gradient and Kyropoulos law.

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