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Home > Really very fine natural diamond quality classification
Really very fine natural diamond quality classification
   2014-03-10 15:55:09   

Mount Stone ( Moissanite ) : Melting Machine Mount Stone issued with thermal probe test will beep sounds, and the fire is not bad , you can say , " real" , so early and had a lot of silver pawn shop so it hit the floor machine fooled costly exercise .
    National Gemstone quality inspection center is monitored by the competent authority of the law in some countries national jewelery professional inspection agency , is authoritative Chinese jewelery detection. The agency has three detection center in Shanghai , Beijing and Shenzhen.
    Diamond only true ( natural ) and false ( artificial ) of the points, really natural classification of very fine quality diamonds rigorous and complex . Because of the low price it is often made on a gold inlay and false K gold jewelry jewelry tools. Mohs hard because CZ jewelry equipment degrees only 8 degrees , so the cut

Secant often wear, with 10 times magnifying glass easily view it. And it does not have the perspective of lipophilic and easily see through to the bottom . As the saying goes : if it is true or not, can not really fake .
    Common artificial diamonds market city of love carved wax as follows: CZ (CZ): is the use of the chemical elements made of zirconium dioxide , steam cleaning machines very low price , foreign drama called " Sapphire " Some consumers often travel abroad buy an expensive price to pay , in fact, innocent . And

Its most basic and simple way to view the " gravity " of both weight comparison , the Soviet Union will re- drill a lot more than natural diamonds, a comparison with the same carat size , natural diamonds weighing CZ jewelry equipment is about 1.6 times . In the sea wax injection machine specification within the jewelry market , the jewelry industry to promote healthy

Sport plays a guiding role in the development .
    Many businesses prefer mending thermal probe test , fake diamonds are not a beep sound. The most simple way to distinguish - the color of the water most of the large gilded stone slightly Mount has a very shallow or slightly greenish gray , another method is used to determine a clear 10x magnifying glass look at the bottom of the desktop

Lines can be very lightly faceted see ghosting case two parallel lines magnetic polishing machine , which is to identify the best way to Mount Stone . Maintenance center for the community to provide maintenance services commissioned to undertake the state of ultrasonic cleaning machine repair jewelery market surveillance , arbitration overhaul , importers and exporters

Product maintenance, development, revision of relevant national scale and many other tasks.

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