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Home > Natural mineral inclusions were corroded when dealing with wax injection machine
Natural mineral inclusions were corroded when dealing with wax injection machine
   2014-03-10 15:56:40   

Healing fracture characteristics : healing with irregular fissures in the form of veil -like , similar to the co-solvent residue inclusions in the dark field .
    Inconsistent surface gloss : Molten gold machine filling cracks or holes below the ruby glass luster in reflected light visible under the surface of a glass filled with gems checking the position was clear lines of dark markings, surface gloss inconsistent treatment is the most direct filling Why play one of the signs

Machine . The chemical composition of the filler : the chemical composition of the glass was inconsistent jewelry filling equipment, the main component of SiO2-based , and may contain P, B lowers the melting point of glass and other beneficial chemical composition , the chemical composition of natural ruby significant difference .
    Heat treatment of other features : natural mineral inclusions are formed during ablation treatment , a low melting point round, oval two -phase inclusions and bubbles from the glass composition , melting point of the crystalline inclusions are formed round or ground glass surface Ma Hang like shape jewelry tools.
    The strong reflected light gloss on the distribution of the inclusions are glass equipment, jewelery , and the residue co-solvent mostly microcrystalline aggregate form like a tadpole rarely significant .
    Active tectonic phenomena filling : The filling in the cracks and holes in the glass carving wax rhyolite may exist , bubbles , dendritic microcrystalline devitrification phenomenon , is important evidence confirmed that the glass rather than natural inclusions .
    Colored chalk shortwave UV fluorescence : Filling the heat treatment quality rubies are usually due to boric acid or phosphoric qualitative healing agent under shortwave ultraviolet light surface chalk color fluorescent display red fluorescence background , became a co-solvent with natural and synthetic ruby is the most important Differentiating features mending

. Cosolvent synthetic ruby does not have this feature wax injection machine .
    Flocculent inclusions : heat-treated rubies fracture healing in gilded water , it will float to the surface affect the transparency of floc or cloudy inclusions in ( more than 60 times ) high magnification ultrasonic cleaning machines, these lines of white floc or light-colored , dull , as if the particles

Collection made of fine needle body composition, takes the shape of three-dimensional orientation of the needle , there are usually two aspects most developed magnetic polishing machine , forming a network structure layer .
    Edge corrosion phenomenon: the chemical nature of glass filled with strong corrosive, will float to the surface by corrosion ruby steam cleaning machines , dissolution and recrystallization processes such as the formation of corrosion -shaped harbor side of the phenomenon .

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